The Life of the D20

The fan of Tabletop gaming in various forms that I am, I wrote this little ditty not too long ago. If you like it, you can buy a shirt with it on it in the Store!

The Life of A D20

By: AinmhiDarkFyre
Digital Art By: AinmhiDarkFyre

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Beware ere you roll the ill-fated One,
A most terrible fate must now be done,
Forget whate’er you’ve planned to do,
It’s a no from hell and straight to you.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Two, Three, four, five, to no avail,
All just as likely to almost e’er fail,
Yet no so terribly as what is before,
As they won’t open that unlucky door.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Six, seven, eight, nine and even ten,
Might succeed at risk of hair or skin,
A fate that while if so could be dope,
These numbers are mostly a false hope.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, fourteen,
These are often the real in-between,
A good chance to fail or to succeed,
Especially if modifiers give a lead.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
Claim the most of success we’ve all seen,
They sure are almost a good guarantee,
That successful your plans will be.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

Then there is that Twenty so great,
Fame, Fortune, and glory your fate,
Your good luck so fickle proven true,
Laid all out the red carpet all for you.

This is the life of the D-Twenty,
The answers it gives all so plenty,
Every clack a resounding boom,
As we wait to know, fortune or Doom!

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