This is the first What Does Ain Say post, to where I answer questions submitted to me by others, and answer them. If you, my readers, have any questions at all, can be anything at all from advice, philosophy, to just getting to know me, seriously anything, just ask me. There’s a good chance it’ll be my next one of these.

If you were given 500 acres of land, what would you use it for?

I doubt I would ever be given land. but I’ll shoot an answer.

500 acres of land eh?

I would take the centermoost 30 acres of land. Make a small gated community for my closest friends and I, each with buildings of our own design, built to last, with a underground, steel-reinforced safety zone, with hidden caches and storage for unperishables.
North would be ranchland and fisheries. West would be Farmland and 3 small lakes fed by the fisheries northeast of them with tons of fish. East would be mostly for hunting.
South would be the entrance into the property, with beautiful nature areas and whatnot for birdwatching and hiking.

The Entire Property, it’s Borders, it’s sections, and especially the gated community, would be equipped to protect itself from any invading force, and be a self-sustaining little town for all intents and purposes. Power would be supplied via wind, solar, water, and with generators. Everything would have reserves of reserves, and built to last.

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